1100 Live Weight Beef Equals Processed Meat

  • A carcass is comprised of lean (meat), fat (adipose) and bone
  • The head, hide, feet, blood and viscera are not components of a carcass
  • Carcass  cut yield is just ane factor that influences the amount of take-home product
  • Beef purchased from locker plants are typically sold as halves, quarters or split up sides

Dressing Percentage

To better understand the amount of meat you may wait from a finished beefiness animal, the kickoff step is understanding the difference in live weight compared to carcass weight. When a beef animal is harvested sure components of the animal such as the caput, hibernate, feet, claret, and viscera (internal organs) are removed. The remaining lean (meat), fatty (adipose), and bone, makes upwardly the carcass hanging weight. Computing dressing percentage volition help determine how the carcass may yield from the live animal and volition be influenced by many factors such as muscle score, genetics, amount of fill, and more than (Table 1).

Dressing Percentage = (Carcass weight/Live weight)*100

Carcass Fabrication

The next thing to consider is more weight will be lost when a carcass is made, or broken downwards into smaller (i.east. retail) cuts. The percentage of carcass weight remaining as "have-home" product is called the carcass cut yield.

Important Annotation: H2o Loss

Hot carcass weight is the weight of a carcass prior to chilling. A beef carcass consists of lxx to 75 percentage water. As the carcass chills and ages, water will be lost through evaporation. In just the first 24 hours a carcass can lose up to 2 to five percent of its initial weight.

Chilled Carcass Weight * Carcass Cut Yield = pounds of "take-dwelling meat"

Carcass cutting yield is variable and depends on the carcass's fatty thickness (leaner carcasses have a more desirable and higher carcass cutting yield), muscling (the greater the muscling the college the yield), and the amount of bone-in versus boneless retail cuts. Deboned, or boneless, retail cuts will lower the carcass cutting yield (Table ii).

Requesting closely trimmed and boneless steaks and roasts and/or trimmed, lean (xc:10, lean:fatty) ground beefiness will result in less pounds of take-home product. This may be advantageous depending on freezer space availability and eating preferences. It is important to understand that the amount of edible meat volition exist the same regardless if the retail cuts are boneless or bone-in.

Choosing to bring home organ meats such every bit liver, heart, and tongue volition also influence the pounds of meat product you take-home.

Understanding Primal vs Retail Cuts

The first cuts fabricated to a whole carcass are to split up the carcass into cardinal cuts (Figure 1). Each primal cut volition be further fabricated into a diverseness of bone-in or boneless retail cuts. For example, the loin may be broken down into bone-in rib, T-bone, porterhouse, and sirloin steaks with boneless alternatives while the chuck may exist cleaved down into os-in or boneless chuck and arm steaks and/or roasts, and/or stew meat (Table iii). Basis beef comes from trimmings of multiple cardinal cuts especially the chuck and round due to their muscle structure and lack of tenderness. Ground beefiness can likewise be farther processed into specialty meats such as summer sausage and snack sticks.

Effigy 1. Beef Primal Cuts

Purchasing Locally Raised Beefiness

Many farmers and locker plants sell beef by halves, quarters, or split up sides. Beef carcasses are split downwards the spine into two halves for easier handling, better spooky, storage and aging processes – this results in what is referred to as 'a half of beefiness'. When determining roughly how much meat you should expect from a half of beef, accept the pounds of meat previously calculated for the entire carcass and divide by two.

When buying a quarter of beefiness you lot are either buying an entire forequarter or a hindquarter from one of the one-half sides. If yous purchase a forequarter yous will receive cuts from the chuck, rib, brisket, and plate. If you purchase a hindquarter yous will receive retail cuts from the loin, circular, and flank. It is important to understand that if y'all purchase a hindquarter you will not receive cuts from the chuck, rib, or brisket such equally arm roasts, chuck roasts, ribeye steaks, etc.

Some farmers and locker plants volition sell a split side meaning yous are purchasing a quarter of the meat with an array of cuts from an entire side. This option is desirable if you want sure cuts from both the fore- and hindquarters.

Example Meat Yield Calculations

  • Live weight x typical dressing percentage = hot carcass weight 1200 lb x 62% = 744 lb
  • Hot carcass weight x (100 – shrink) = chilled carcass weight 744 x (100% – three.5%) = 718 lb
  • Chilled carcass weight x carcass cutting yield percentage = pounds of take abode production 718 lb ten 67% = 481 lb

For More Data

Contact your local Extension Educator; Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection; or Wisconsin Beef Council.


Beef Cuts: Primal & Subprimal Weights and Yields. 2013. Beef Checkoff. Print. Access Date: June x, 2020.

Aberle, Elton David. Principles of Meat Science. 4th ed., Kendall/Chase. 2001.

Coyne, J.K.; R.D. Evans; and D.P. Berry. 2019. Dressing percentage and the differential betwixt alive weight and carcass weight in cattle are influenced past both genetic and non-genetic factors. J. Anim. Sci. 97(4):1501-1512.

Kingdom of the netherlands, Rob; Dwight Loveday; and Kevin Ferguson. How much meat to expect from a beef carcass. Academy of Tennessee Extension. Print. Access Date: June 10, 2020.

Thiboumery, Arion; Kristine Jepsen; and Kristi Hetland. 2013. Beef and Pork Whole Animal Buying Guide. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Print. Access Date: June x, 2020.

Wulf, Duane Yard. "Did the Locker Plant Steal Some of My Meat?" Due south Dakota State University. Print. Access Date: June ten, 2020.

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Source: https://livestock.extension.wisc.edu/articles/how-much-meat-should-a-beef-animal-yield/

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