Unable to Post Comment on Facebook Try Again

A Facebook comment allows y'all to respond to a post or picture on Facebook. You can make your comment past clicking on the Comment button underneath the post or click into the white box that says Write a Annotate.

The next pace is to type your thoughts and press the enter push on your device to publish your message. But that does not happen all the time for some users.

Some people tin can't like or comment on Facebook posts for specific profiles or accounts.

If you are unable to comment on Facebook, you may have been blocked or denied permission to comment past the possessor of the mail or prototype.

If the post doesn't accept a comment push, it could exist due to a technical hitch on Facebook. If that's not the example, the owner may accept merely allowed those who follow the business relationship to comment.

Here'southward a detailed look at each of these reasons and how you lot can go around them.

How long can you lot be blocked from commenting on Facebook?

If Facebook has blocked you from commenting, it will take you between 24 and 48 hours before you can have the feature restored.

The block is temporary. Simply in some cases, information technology can terminal up to a week if Facebook is investigating information technology. At this point, you cannot do annihilation until Facebook restores the comment feature for y'all.

In about cases, Facebook restricts you from commenting considering:

  • Yous fabricated an obscene comment.
  • Someone reported your comment to Facebook.
  • Ane of your comments was against Community Standards.
  • You have posted likewise many comments too fast, and Facebook may take detected you lot as a bot.

Why you lot cannot comment on Facebook and how to prepare

If you tin't comment on a postal service or can't see the comment button on all Facebook posts,  hither are the reasons and fixes:

ane. The user has blocked you on Facebook

Prototype: Isaiah Rustad

The most common reason why you can't post a comment on your friends Facebook page is because the person has blocked you. Facebook gives all users control over who they add equally friends or block.

If the user has blocked you lot, information technology means you will not similar or comment on their posts. In this case, you cannot fix the issue on your own. Y'all will take to wait until the person unblocks y'all.

2. Yous have a browser consequence

You lot may detect that you can't comment on your own post on Facebook because of a trouble with your browser. Your browser can impact the style y'all collaborate with Facebook.

Try to prepare this issue through the following steps:

  • Run Facebook using an alternative browser
  • Clear your browser data cache
  • Restart the browser and endeavor again
  • Log out of your Facebook account if your session has expired
  • Update your browser to the latest version

Y'all can too disable any extensions related to Facebook.

three. You do non have permission to comment on the post

If yous see a friend tagged in a postal service or photograph by someone you do not know, you tin can but view it but cannot annotate on it.

That is considering the person has made his posts private, and the people that follow their business relationship tin can annotate.

In this example, you will not encounter the Comment button. You volition take to follow the account to comment.

4. You are commenting on a Facebook Live Video

Whenever a person is broadcasting a live video, Facebook allows them to use comment moderation settings. Equally a viewer, it volition limit your ability to comment on the live video.

Some of the reasons you may be blocked from commenting on Facebook live video are:

  • You sent the comment too quickly.
  • The comment is also brusque.
  • You are non following the streamer.
  • The stream is using a protected style.
  • Y'all cannot annotate yet.
  • You are not supporting the streamer.
  • You do not have permission to add a comment.
  • You are trying to comment on a deleted postal service.

Yous can fix the above by doing the following:

  • Post a comment on the live video once every 10 seconds that is if you wish to mail service multiple times.
  • Ensure your comment is at to the lowest degree 100 characters long.
  • Follow the streamer commencement before yous go out a annotate.
  • If the streamer is using a protected way, follow them first. You will then have to join the conversation and wait at to the lowest degree xv minutes before commenting.
  • Subscribe to the page before leaving a comment.

If you cannot comment on a live video still, your account may be less than two weeks old. In that example, join the conversation as soon equally your two weeks elapse.

5. How to troubleshoot why you cannot annotate on a page yous moderate

Facebook Business Manager
Image: Facebook

If you have the moderator role on a Facebook page, you may non comment on posts. The reason could be a setting in Business Manager.

Pages and Notifications is a setting that prevents you from commenting on your Facebook profile when y'all mean to comment from the business page.

As a Business concern Manager administrator, you can alter the Pages and Notifications setting in the Business concern Info department. Depending on the setting you cull, you will non comment on your posts from the concern page.

In that case, you will have to access the folio from the Business Manager to comment.

Hither is how:

  • If the Pages and Notifications setting is OFF, the business organisation page volition non allow you to create posts or see notifications. That means you will have to practise it in Business Manager. You will simply comment past going to business.facebook.com/pagename.
  • If the Pages and Notifications setting is ON, you will comment on posts from the business folio. In that instance, go to facebook.com/pagename and business.facebook.com/pagename to brand your annotate.

6. Contact Facebook back up

If the above does non work, contact Facebook support. The issue may occur because Facebook is experiencing a system-wide issue affecting some of its features.

You lot can become back up using the Facebook Help Eye Page for private accounts or the Business Help Center for business concern accounts.


You cannot annotate on a Facebook post if the user has blocked your account. Likewise, you cannot comment on a picture of an account you are not post-obit.

In other cases, the characteristic may not work for you because of a browser outcome. If Facebook is experiencing a organisation-broad trouble, it may affect commenting on the platform. Contact the support team for assistance.

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Source: https://appdrum.com/cant-make-comments-on-facebook/

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