Cuss Collar Will Say a Swear Word Every Time Your Dog Barks

I'm sure we've totally had a present moment where we wanted to recognise what our dog was thinking. It would represent fantastic if we could induce real conversations with them, learn their frustrations, and just have somebody other than our kids to talk to. We would hope our little pup was happy, but there's a new clerical collar you could try with your dog that will present you a glimpse into what information technology would be like to hear our dog. Cuss Collar drops f-bombs when your dog barks, and it's hilariously laughable and so wrong if you have kids.

The Cuss Collar is a real andiron pinch that testament play a swear word every time your dog barks. There are pre-recorded words, including the unmistakable f-bomb, sh*t, and others that are equally as funny. The company is very exonerate to say that this product is just for amusing – for us humans – and is not a "daze/ vibration/ training collar and is not intended for anti-bark training use."

How to Buy out a Cuss Collar

The collar costs $60 which sounds worth IT for hours of entertainment—arsenic long as your kids aren't in the room or you preceptor't precaution if they hear your dog swear. They're not disposable in stores or Amazon, but the company sells them on their web site. The collar uses 2 AAA batteries, and you fasten it round your dog's neck like some other collar. The collar itself is made of a "100% Patent Leather Steel buckle," so it's classy while it's swearing like a sailor.

Currently, the Expletive Collar is sold out, merely if you're in need of this in your life story, there is a way for you to contract to be notified when they're back available.

Now as much fun as this product is, I can find it getting annoying really fast. Good for the first-time titter of 20 minutes max likely. But, if you're looking for a gift idea for your friend or category member who is obsessed with their dog, I can figure this really working. Leave them with the giggles and the noisy taking into custody.


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